Friday, October 2, 2009

One Never Knows.

A lonely orangutan needed a friend and looked what happened. Another heart warming story shared over the computer, a small reminder that, as the old folks used to say, 'you can't tell a book by its cover'.
I am thinking of the friends I have made over the years and how different each one is. My circle is smaller now and I have memories of the wonderful people who came into my life, some to change it, some to keep me and some to throw me away . . . but, that is life and we learn more about what love really is as we move along in our quest for a good life.

An old friend caught up with me this week and brought back some wonderful memories of the time we shared and it reminded me how quickly the time goes by as we go back about twenty-five years and have survived so many changes in our lives. He was responsible for my first sail boat ride in Lake Tahoe when the calmness of the day turned to a frothing lake with the boat caught in a trough, shaking and bobbing like it knew what it was doing, but I certainly did not. I thought we were going to sink. He was standing on top of the cabin trying to fix the sails and I 'm holding the rudder which was not even in the water. So picture this mad screaming woman tilting from side to side until the wind changed, and we sailed calmly back to shore. For someone who doesn't like to get my feet wet, I made number two and a half on a scale of ten and found out that I really am not adventurous. I'm happy in the whirl pool. So, with a little luck, he and his daughter are going to stop by for a visit. I cannot believe she is in college . . . where did all those years go?
I made a new friend yesterday when the Ruralite magazine came and there was a lady requesting the words to "Big Rock Candy Mountain" a song that we sung every time we got into our car for one of those long road trips. She had an e-mail address so I wrote the words I remembered and she wrote back saying she was a grandmother and she had two grandchildren who loved that ditty but she didn't remember all of the words. I sent the message on to daughter Pat and she googled it and got the words to more of a story than a song which was a big surprise. I liked my version much better so you know today I'll be humming that song as it sticks in my mind.
So sing along and feel good . . . here we go . . . 'one summer day in the month of May, a burly bum came hiking, down a shady lane through the sugar cane, a lookin for his liken. As he strolled along, he sang a song, of the land of milk and honey, where a bum can stay for many a day and he don't need any money. Oh . . . the buzzen of the bees in the cigarette trees, near the soda water fountain, where the blue birds sing in the lemonade spring in the big rock candy mountain! Feel better? I do.
So my friends and family, have a good day today. Get outside in the sunshine and sing, hum, and if you can, whistle a catchy tune. "You are my sunshine . . . '

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