Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Wind Won

The nest must be empty and either the eggs did not survive the fall of the bird house, when the winds blew if off the porch railing, or the little hatchlings flew the coup in the middle of the night. I had so much fun watching the chickadees and their trips to the bird house. There were two birds carrying food into the nest for days. It was nice to feel I had become a friend and they were not afraid of me. I listened as they sang songs either on the top of the railing or the fence posts. They flew close by where I was sitting and listened to my voice which surprised me. So now I will move the bird house to a safer spot and hope that they will return again next year. I will keep the bird feeders fed as they seem to like the wild bird seed and they will know they are welcome in my garden.
I hope you have bird feeders out and are attracking the lovely birds so you can enjoy their beauty and their song. Make today special, just like you.

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