Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I do not always see myself in a good light, like most people, I have my days when I wonder who that person is looking back at me in the mirror and I groan and moan instead of seeing the beauty of my own grandmother in that face. I was feeling a wee bit sorry for myself as I hobbled around and made my way to the computer wherein lies my connection to the outer world. Several friends keep me apprised of their interests in life and share so many funny jokes. Recently the political cartoonist have been busy telling it like it is and we have to laugh out loud even though the truth hurts. Our world is such a mess. I am smiling because I have friends that are staunch Republicans, and on the other hand , some who are staunch Democrats ---- and then there are 'us' who try to be Independent and make good choices. I don't think any of us have gotten it right. So the words flow back and forth and the ones that matter so much are the ones that make your sprit glow. Today words came that made my spirits rise and I am thankful for them. It made me think of words and how we use them. It is so easy to allow our mouths to utter obcenitites. Yesterday, The Chicken Gang came to play Chicken Foot which is a deviation of the Mexican Train Game. Picture seven senior ladies around a table playing with dominos, well it isn't as serious as a bridge game, and it does create a world of laughter that echos out through the open windows, opened this day with a cross breeze to cool the ladies down who suffer from those moments of stifling heat on a cold day. The ladies have to put up a nickel when they forget and shout out the forbidden word when someone blocks their final shot at the winning jar. We only made ten cents yesterday.
I hope you are using words today, soft words to those you love; kind words to those in need; a bit of a tongue lash for those who need it; and if you are lucky, you will hear the words you want to hear. So my words for you today are "I LOVE YOU."

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