Friday, May 15, 2009

Another One

I opened the IM this morning to words that can be put to music easily as I am celebrating my 85th birthday today. Daugther Pat asked how it felt to be 85 and I told her it's only a number and I am going for 86, if it's meant to be. She laughed and said she'd pick me up soon as we are going to go out and have brunch and celebrate in what appears to be a very sunshine day.

My thanks to each of you for the lovely cards and the sentiments enclosed within. I had a couple of computer cards that were animated and wonderful. Paula sent me one with a slot machine, how well she knows my bad habits, and I won the jackpot, now to go and visit the Wizard and see if it is meant to be.

My head and heart are filled with memories from a whole lot of living and loving. I hope that each of you celebrate your special day when it arrives and know the number is not important but what lies within gives you all the reasons you need to celebrate the wonderful you.


  1. Happy Birthday Mom - well done!

  2. Happy Birthday Jean! I love this picture of you and your wonderful, wise words. I'd love to take a road trip to see you this year. Fingers crossed and hopeful.
