Friday, May 15, 2009

Queen For Today

The lucious carrot cake, baked by my daughter Patricia, didn't last long . . . it disappeared into tiny crumbs while the hip spread an inch or two. My friend, Helen S. sent a card with five smiling ladies saying "We're still stacked; it's just on a lower shelf." How true. My friend, Helen T, sent a card showing all of life's simple things, which means we are lucky to have had such good times but it also means you're kinda old! . . . I'm OLD. Jock sent a card that says "I got you the gift that never stops giving . . . open it close it, hey, the fun never ends, and I'm still smiling. My nephew Walter sent a check which he should not have and told me to celebrate. I did and enjoyed a brunch and a dinner out. My daughter, Pat, gave me a beautiful card saying Youth is a gift of nature. Art is a work of art . . . Happy Birthday to a Masterpiece, and then went on to break all our rules by gifting me beyond measure, and lovely flowers now sitting in a huge crystal vase on my dining room table. Mike sent me a huge pin that says " Me, ME, Me! It's All about Meee." Ha, ha, ha....and it was. I could go on with more of the cards that were beautiful and the wishes were warm and wonderful. So I will say thank you to each and every one of you who took time to remember my special day and remind me how really truly lucky I am to have family and friends to love. Just do not stop sharing your love and humor. It makes the world go around, spiraling a heart with love and laughter.

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