I couldn't find a cake with fifty candles on it, but just think of what a glow that would be for all of us to see, yes, my daughter Patricia is celebrating her special day today. We took a ride down the coast to Eureka and 'did' the stores, from Target, Longs Drug Store, Costco, The Mall, Gotschalk's Close Out Sale, The Office Supply Store and of course The Book Store so you know we came home with bundles and parcels and sore feet. Having lunch at Hurricane Kate's in Old Town, Eureka introduced us to a different taste as they make sandwiches I've never heard of. Not that I am a coward, but my hamburger was all of a half pounder and dry . . . not to my liking, but, I did not leave much on the plate. The salad was excellent. Pat had a special pear salad that looked very good and she enjoyed every bite. We started a story on tape so now will have to plot and plan another trip so we can hear the end of it. All in all, I have to tell you how much fun it is to share a birthday with my daughter; fact it is fun to share time with her even when it isn't her birthday.
I hope you have been having fun sharing time with those you love, if not, get busy and pick up the phone and make a date, laugh out loud, eat hardy and share those hugs.
I am adding a P.S. this morning as I have to share a smile. My telephone rang and I answered to hear my granddaughter Erin's voice and as I was answering her questions there was banging on my front door. Pat had come over with some of the items we were sharing and had her arms full. I didn't want to give up my conversation with my granddaughter, so, put my fingers up depicting the telephone sign to tell her I was on the phone. She pushed open the door, stood back and Erin walked in with her friend Jess behind her . . . aah . . . those new cell phones are really something as she was talking to me from my front porch. What a wonderful surprise to have three lovely ladies for a visit before going off for a sushi dinner . . . not me, I was invited but I was not about to put shoes on until I absolutely had to after our day of walking.
Thanks for making my birthday special. I love you too. Don't eat all that pie!