Monday, February 9, 2009

Agate Hunting

My first blog. I am excited. My son, pictured here, invited me out for a ride to enjoy our beautiful summer like weather. He suggested a ride to Gold Beach for lunch and a walk on the beach. According to the little tide book there was going to be a minus tide and there is a special pathway for me to access the beach. It was about one o'clock p.m., and the actual minus tide would not take place until four p.m., but it was going out slowly. I found a nice walking stick and ambled on along the beach hunting for agates. There were so many sugar agates, but not what I was searching for. I was told to walk with the sun at my back and look at the beach rocks to see the sun shine on them and let me know where they were hiding. There it was, one beautiful sizable agate, almost copper tone, and it is mine for the taking. I danced around in pure glee. I found an agate. I don't often find one, thus my excitement for actually finding one big enough to brag about. Of course, in my excitement, I did what I was told we should 'never to do'. and that is turn your back on the ocean. Within seconds I was standing in sea water up to my ankles, trying to run from a wave that caught me by surprise. I was actually trying to out run it but it was much too late for that. All I can tell you is that I was laughing out loud and didn't mind having my fish and chips in my wet shoes and socks. My son didn't laugh at me, but I'm sure he was snickering.