The weather is stormy, a gray mist hangs over us as the wind has died down and everything is silent, so I am thankful for this quiet Sunday for I can do so many different things . . . or nap. It seems I've accomplished quite a bit after an early run to Fred Meyers to stock up on the weekly groceries and got wet doing it in the height of the storm. I edited one of my stories in hopes that I can change it a little, and eventually finish the novel for my friends and family to enjoy. I did enjoy a snooze in my chair after making a roast beef sandwich with a dill pickle slice in it. The pickle reminded me of the big barrels they used to have in a little store over on a street called Flint Street . . . now that name is over seventy years old . . . five pennies and you got a pickle the size of two fat saugies (hot-dogs) and just as long, so good I remember the taste today.
On TV some of the political pundits are telling us about the big company, IGA, that received billions of dollars of bail out money, are now going to give their people big bonus checks because, as they said, it is legal. My tongue runneth over with caustic words that want to spew out and scream of the injustices we can do little about. That is our trouble, we do not know how to protest. Someone started a tea bag issue with the White House but I'm sure as fast as they arrive they will be disposed of and no one will know about the 'cover-up'. So much for my soap box thoughts; I am still thankful I am an American and that I can vote and I know right now who I will and wont vote for in the coming elections.
The real reason I started this blog today was to thank the fisherpeople who go out in their boats, or a charter, and catch those big beautiful ling cod and clean them and package them and share them with the folks they love. Today I am one of the loved ones. I got a packet with two pieces of ling cod that were even lovely to look at. I broiled them with a little lemon and garlic, heated the homemade clam chowder my neighbor Laverne brought over last evening because she knows I love chowder and I planned a spinach salad with bacon, red onions, mushrooms, hard boiled eggs and believe it or not a homemade dressing of cidar vinegar and mustard that turned out pretty tasty. So being sated after such a grand meal, I have to take the time out to say I am thankful before hand for the food ---- and say my blessing; and now I am thankful to the fisherman who caught this ling cod and shared it; the daughter who saw that I recieved some; and most of all the Almighty for introducing us to the vast ocean with all its sea creatures for us to eat. My daughter is off to have a crab dinner . . . um . . . wonder if there is any left over? After all tomorrow is another day and I may wake up hungry.
Be thankful for all you do have. Count your blessings every day. You are one of mine.
That is an awful photo of me. Feel free to remove it at any time!