Thursday, March 19, 2009

Musing about Spring and Stuff

A friend sent me an e-mail with the best of the Geographic Magazine pictures of the year and this one caught my eye. Not only do I see the ravages of winter leaving us tomorrow, the official day of Spring, but the early worm out to find a new beginning to its life. A time of hope as we see all of the tiny flower begin to grow and all of the budding trees which will overcome the cold and wintery winds to unfold and shade us in the coming summer months. New beginnings, how we all need them from time to time, never more so than right now while our world has become so topsy turvy and we try to take our one day at a time . . . but, is that enough?, complacency . . . should we be writing to our leaders and asking them to stand up and be counted for, or better than that should we be on our knees praying? I'm a candle lighter, you know one candle gives us light to see, think what many would do. Just look at the painting and see how much the candle light shows up the greed of Ebenezer Scrooge.

On the other hand, as I gaze at this picture I see so many things. A heart, in fact several hearts large and small, a tiny spider in its web, a black eyed susan daisy, a silhouette and an owl, even a few birds. Imagination is such a wonderful attribute giving us the chance to take our minds onto exciting thoughts. It brings to mind a poem I wrote when a friend and I visited a small park that we liked to spend some time in. It was a cold brisk day and as we sat there these words formed in my mind:
Winter is Leaving, slowly it seems
trees still naked, gray and stark,
benches free, not a soul in the park
familiar roads turning and twisting
high rocks of granite, sunshine glistening
box elders with burls, old and gnarled
standing gray and bent, getting ready to bloom
as the sap runs up from winter gloom

winds are shifting, up high in the sky
clouds theady patterns please the eye
winter is leaving, slowly it seems
the sap is running to the top of the trees
buds are forming, soon leaves will abound
slowly and surely spring comes around.
How many pictures painted in different medium and photographs nudge our imaginations. I love to muse, now if I could come up with some answers it would be nice, but I'm only a me, so I'll go and light a candle and say a prayer for each and everyone of you. You are my light.

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