Thursday, August 27, 2009

Down Sizing

One never knows the right time to start 'down sizing'. I wonder who ever thought of that phrase? A life time of collected memorabilia, gifts from friends and family, beautiful glass ware, yard sale dishes, books and pictures, and a few beach stones and a star fish or two to place in a tall vase. that you just could not leave on the beach. All of the 'things' that make life livable and a person content.
I've been down sizing for years, that is until the next yard sale and there has to be an item or two I just cannot live without. I keep telling myself I cannot buy another book until I read what I have, but how can one pass up a Clive Cussler adventure story or a collectible written by one of the old time authors...not me! September is coming and the community yard sales will be upon us again. I know, no more yard sales, or so daughter Pat and I said after the last one. It is a lot of work, to hard to move all that stuff, price it and get it ready for all the seekers of treasure, yet it is fun and spending time with folks we don't know enlightens the mind and the heart. People are fun from the curmudgeon who wants to talk you out of an item, or at least half of what you are asking for the treasure he wants, or the talkers who make it a social visit among the busiest of times and you cannot be rude. All in all it turns out to be a lot of fun.
In the back of my mind, this octogenarian is thinking it is time . . . time to think about what to do with all those things....all that stuff....all those beautiful replicas of living. I know it is getting time for me to think about smaller quarters, less demands on the body, and in one breath I can hardly wait for the change, in the other, I'm trying to remind myself it really is only things. . . so . . . get over it and pack a box for the yard sale.
I hope you enjoy your possessions and know they really are only 'things'. It is our family and our friends that are the most important 'things' of life. Take time out to enjoy them.

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