Thursday, August 6, 2009

Philosophical This Morning

The American Heritage dictionary says: philosophical means love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self discipline , and the investigation of causes and laws underlying reality. . . um, food for thought as I sit here by the computer thinking of so many things. The arrival of the two young journalists yesterday morning when I watched the emotional return to their families. Tears flowed with ease knowing they were back home after months of fear and trepidation, while politics played out behind the scenes. How lucky they are as there are so many who never returned.

Laughter comes about as we watch the political cartoons that get funnier by the day.
I am not sure which is funnier, the cartoons or the representatives that go on the television and vie for a role in solving the woes of our economical disaster and have no idea what they are talking about. I think the name of their game is 'The blame game' or 'you're it.' I think I am going to run out of candle money hoping for intervention.
The stormy weather and the heat waves all over out country while we sit here in Brookings with fog and cool. There is to be a change this winter, so the experts say, and we can expect huge ocean storms. That will be something to see and feel as they can be very scary. Right now my poor gardens look like a drought has reached this area even though fog brings a mist in the morning but does nothing to save the plants. Oh to be a master gardener with the ability to get up and down.
So, you see, I am in a mood so I will go and get dressed and go over to the grocery store and stock up as I am about out of everything. You will probably hear the moaning and groaning as I look at the prices . . . but eighty nine cents for a buttermilk donut isn't all bad when the craving is there. I remember when they were thirty-nine cents a dozen.
I hope you are enjoying your thoughts for today. I hope you will go out and about and do something good for you. It is time.

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