Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Chuckle or Two

Good Saturday morning. There are rain drops on the window pane this morning, a reason to smile as we have been drying up so badly. The gardens and the grass are 'over the hill' so today we have a blessing to count along with a bit of humor to share. My first e-mail today had a subject line "All Too True!" and I found myself laughing out loud. It is a question and answer sheet from an AARP Forum and I'll just list a couple so you can join me by starting your day off with a smile.
Q: Where can men over the age of 60 find younger, sexy women who are interested in them?
A: Try a bookstore under fiction.
Q: As people age, do they sleep more soundly?
A: Yes, but usually in the afternoon.
I find that I am the recipient of many of the funny sayings and jokes about ageing and that is a good thing as we need to laugh at ourselves knowing we are in very good company along the way. So for those of you who have not reached 'the age of reason' remember the old adage "if I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself", . . . It is not too late to start, nor is it too late to develop a keen sense of humor as you discover some new and different facets to what the body and mind can do. Develop YOU because you really are going to 'look like your mother' or 'look like your father' and that is not at all bad.
We are having the Salmon Derby at the Port here in Brookings today. People come from all over to participate and watch as the fishermen bring in their catches. One of our local men caught a 39.8 salmon to win the $500. first prize of the day. It is a three day affair so it will be interesting to find out the weight of the biggest fish out there in the ocean. Over 1,000 pounds of salmon was caught yesterday alone, so you know the 'canners' are smiling.
Not to change the subject, but do you know that on Saturday morning there are old western movies on. I'm a fan from way back and although I have seen most of them, I enjoy watching them all over again as Hollywood directors created some strange and very funny scenes . If they depict our ancestors then I think we'd better think twice about being happy we look like them . . . although Jimmy Stewart was not a bad looking guy and Dale Robertson was handsome, or how about Clint Walker . . . um . . . oh well you never get too old to dream.
Make your today a good one, cuddle up on the sofa and tune into a Western and see how many you remember.

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